Science Fellows of Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera
If you have participated in a science program at Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, you are a Science Fellow of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera!
You are a Fellow if you have participated in a program to promote scientific vocations of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera (see programs). As a Fellow you have access to Fellows' Corner, an online platform through which you can: be in contact with other Fellows from all over the world; access opportunities, such as job offers, research stays or scholarships; sign up for exclusive community activities… And much more!
Fellows' Corner is an online platform through which you can: be in contact with other Fellows from all over the world; access opportunities, such as job offers, research stays or scholarships; sign up for exclusive community activities… And much more! If your participation in the program has recently ended, you may not have received the invitation to join this platform yet, and you will receive it shortly. If it's been a while since you finished your participation and you don't have access, write to us at fellows@fcatalunyalapedrera.com.
- Activities: training courses, conferences, workshops, competitions, workshops, visits...
- Opportunities: job offers, research stays, calls for scholarships and grants...
- Publications: on research projects, content of scientific interest, dissemination...
- Forum: where to share ideas, projects, proposals with the rest of the community.
- Map: with the location of where the Fellows of the community are currently located.
- Internal messaging: to get in touch with other Fellows in the community.
And much more!
The first step is to activate your account. That's why you should have received an e-mail message with instructions to activate your account (check your spam box) and be able to update your profile. If you have forgotten your account access password, you can recover access by generating a new key at the following link:
If you still have problems accessing it, write us a message at fellows@fcatalunyalapedrera.com and we will find the solution so that you can access it.
If you have already activated your account on Fellows’ Corner, you can configure periodic notifications to be sent to you with updates by going to your profile [My Account > Edit > Account information > Notifications] and choosing which periodicity you are most interested in.
If you also want to be up-to-date with what is proposed for Fellows of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, you can sign up for the information distribution list. Write us at fellows@fcatalunyalapedrera.com and we will send you the link to subscribe.
Access your account through the link you will have received in your email to activate your profile. Click on your profile (top right of the screen) and you can edit your information [My account > Edit]. Keep in mind that personal information, address, telephone, etc., will not be visible to other users. If you haven't received this email or have a problem accessing your account, write to us at fellows@fcatalunyalapedrera.com.
The community of Fellows of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera is an international community and uses English as its main language of communication. Anyway, some activities that take place in Catalonia are communicated and carried out in Catalan. We encourage you to share information that is useful to the english community.